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Revolt, or attempts to fail

creation 2023

Révolte est un volet du triptyque : Résiste / Respire / Révolte

The revolt sounds like a fight.

A fight for an ideology, a personal or collective fight, a fight to raise your voice.

Attempts to fail. These words reflect a pessimistic view, but in these words there is a touch of hope.

Attempts, despite the almost inevitable failure. But if there's an attempt, it's because there's still hope to change things... By repetition, by perseverance, to continue one's fight despite the succession of failures.

Don't give up, go all the way to defend your ideas!


A revolt, a bit like in a brain, an inner fight, a voice that we want to carry, to shout.

Revolted yes, but against whom, against what…?

It's hard to define when we are increasingly overwhelmed by what surrounds us ! Yet this feeling is very present, it weighs heavily ! It brings up tears, it causes anger, but where to direct it ??

A revolt like a stifled cry.

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Revoltwill be an indoor show for 5 artists on stage.

A circus and musical dramaturgy.

A show committed bodily, emotionally, but also light thanks to an offbeat and absurd side that will disrupt the dynamic.

Wild and sensual. Between violence and love. These motors that activate and animate the human being.

The revolt as an urgency to live, to feel alive!

“I shout that I believe in nothing and that everything is absurd, but I cannot doubt my cry and I must at least believe in my protest. The first and only evidence thus given to me, within the absurd experience, is revolt. (…) The revolt is born from the spectacle of unreason, in the face of an unjust and incomprehensible condition. »

The rebellious man, Albert Camus, Folio


Searching for partners in progress...


Production :Les filles du renard pâle

Co-production and hosting in residence:

Bonlieu National Stage of Annecy,

The National Stage Crater of Alès,

Malraux National Stage Chambéry Savoie,

The PRATO Pole National Cirque Lille,

Villefranche-sur-Saône Theater Conventional Stage


Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Theater National Stage,

Molière Theater Sète National Stage Archipelago of Thau,

The PALC Pole National Cirque Châlons-en-Champagne,

The ACB National Stage of Bar-le-Duc,

Jean Lurçat Theater National Stage of Aubusson,

Madeleine Troyes Theater,

The 3T Conventional Stage of Châtellerault,

Le Carreau National Scene of Forbach and East Mosellan

Reception in residence:

The Buisson Farm National Scene,

Platform 2 Circus Poles in Normandy / La Brèche in Cherbourg

Supports and pre-purchases:

The Valence Theater Train,

La Ramp Conventional Stage Échirolles

With the financial support of the three-year 22-24 Grand Est Region, pre-figuration for the 21-22 DRAC Grand Est agreement and assistance with the creation of the Marne Department

The project is supported by Quint'Est living show network Bourgogne Franche-Comté Grand Est


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Writing and direction: Johanne Humblet

Artistic collaboration: Maxime Bourdon

Choreographic collaboration: Farid Ayelem Rahmouni

Collaboration in musical creation: Jean-Baptiste Fretray

Tightrope walker: Johanne Humblet

Aerial dancer: Violaine Garros

Acrobat Spinning Wheel: Marica Marinoni

Musicians: Annelies Jonkers, Fanny Aquaron

General, aerial and set management: Nicolas Lourdelle, François Pelaprat, Eric Lecomte

Sound design: Mathieu Ryo, Marc-Alexandre Marzio
Lighting design: Clément Bonnin, Bastien Courthieu

Costume designer: Emma Assaud

Design and manufacture of harnesses: "Pelapro" suspension point
Design and manufacture of yarn slippers: Maison Clairvoy - Nicolas Maistriaux
Construction: South Side - Matthieu Audejean, Antoine Gautron, Alain Arraez

Design-build collaboration: Steve Duprez
Illustration / graphics: Virginie Fremaux, Maya Racca
Teaser production: Thomas Bailly

Photos: Kalimba
Press: Elektronlibre - Olivier Saksik, Sophie Alavi, Cindel Cattin, Mathilde Desrousseaux

Administration: Catherine Njiné Djonkam

Production administration, logistics: Judith Bligny-Truchot

Producer: Aurore Martinet, Geneviève Clavelin
Broadcast: Anthony Simon

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Artistic:Johanne Humblet - +33 (0)6 07 32 35 33

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         artistique(at)

Technical: Nicolas Lourdelle / Francois Pelaprat

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         technique.revolte(at)

Diffusion :Anthony Simon +33 (0)6 07 98 64 75

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         diffusion(at)

Production Administration: Judith Bligny-Truchot

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         production(at)

Hurry : Elektronlibre - Olivier Saksik

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          olivier( at)

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Les filles du renard pâle





Address :

Les filles du renard pâle

Chez Catherine Njiné - 101 rue Horace Bertin - 13005 Marseille

The head office :

Chez Le PALC - Furies - 7, rue de la Charrière - 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne

Association law 1901

Siret: 824 136 964 00015

License 20171810

APE code 9001Z


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With the help of the development of the artistic teams of the Grand Est region 22-24
and assistance with DRAC Grand Est 23-24 agreements

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