a high wire walk
Creation 2021
Breathe is part of the triptych: Resiste / Respire / Revolte
A high wire walk with punk and rock notes.
Balancing at great height, the tightrope walker frees her body as she walks and gives way to the evolution of the female figure.
A golden red riding hood taming her wolf.
A letting go for a moment of freedom shared with glittering musicians.

Cross squares, rivers, canals, arrive at castles, cranes, towers or other historical monuments, leave from one building to arrive at another...The idea is that the wire can invest any place.
Seeing a person evolve on a wire at great height, in the sky or at water level brings such magic and poetry to the place invested, that it becomes majestic.
The line can be straight or rising, it can take a bend, be several, dive straight into the sky or plunge into the water...
From the space invested stems the type of installation, the imaginary, the dynamics, the duration of the performance.
Thereby,each performance is unique while keeping a common dramaturgy.
The thread is the link that connects one point to another, above borders, barriers, it brings together. A link that is as symbolic as it is concrete.
The public goes out into the street to roll their eyes. They are all there to live a moment together, where dialogues, encounters and sharing then open up.
An innovative, soft, dynamic and rock'n'roll approach, suspended... in the air.
Live music has a very important part inBreathe:The tightrope walker and the musicians literally evolve together in this crossing. It's a real dialogue that takes place between them.
A rock style, atypical at great heights, as much by the music as by the bodily commitment of the tightrope walker.
Respire is constantly in search, in evolution...

©Samuel Button

"The tightrope walker fascinates, gathers, questions, leaves traces of his passage. When we carry out a great crossing, it is very often very publicized and it attracts crowds. I am aware of the responsibility that I have in relation to the public and the impact I can have on him.
My work and my research go in this direction, take the public with me to a place that is unknown to them, to surprise them, to question them,… I leave messages behind each step that I take proving that we can make our dreams come true. You just don't have to stop at the first fear to risk the unknown, always go further. On the wire as in life…”
Johanne Humblet
For tightrope technical installations, we work in collaboration with the company GRATTE CIEL, Grands Aériens.
We imagine new tightrope walker installations, curved, broken, plunging, spiraling, courses…
Thanks to the experience ofSkyscraper, the technical perspectives open up to many possibilities and allow for much crazier play areas!
We make the imagination real!
©Regis Mestre
Production: Les filles du renard pâle
Co-production: Théâtre La Coupe d'Or Stage approved by Rochefort
Support and reception in residence: Lieux Publics National Center for Creation in Public Space / Atelier 231 National Center for Street Arts and Public Space / Le PALC Pôle National Cirque Grand-Est
Residence support: DRAC Grand-Est
Support: Bonlieu National Stage Annecy

The team
High wire walker : Johanne Humblet
Musicians: Jean-Baptiste Fretray, Annelies Jonkers
General management: Katia Mozet Floreani
Chief editor: Yvan Bringard
Rope Technicians: Yvan Bringard, Jérémie Jambon, Vincent Joly, Antoine Joly, Hervé Banache, Cédric Clary, Shaan Sauzéat, Maël Bongini, Remy Legeay, Simon Pourqué, Antoine Fressynet
Light creation: Clément Bonnin, Bastien Courthieu
Sound management: Mathieu Ryo, Marc-Alexandre Marzio
Construction :Steve Duprez, Cedric Bach, Remy Legeay
Teaser production:Thomas Bailly
Pictures :Paul Bourdrel
Press: Elektronlibre - Olivier Saksik, Manon Rouquet, Cindel Cattin
Administration:Catherine Njiné Djonkam
Production administration, logistics:Judith Bligny-Truchot
Diffusion : Anthony Simon
Artistic:Johanne Humblet - +33 (0)6 07 32 35 33
General management: Katia Mozet Floreani
Production Administration: Judith Bligny-Truchot
production(at)lesfillesdurenardpale .com
Diffusion :Anthony Simon +33 (0)6 07 98 64 75
Hurry : Elektronlibre - Olivier Saksik
olivier( at)elektronlibre.net