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creation 2019

There are two versions of RESIST


in the street

Résiste est un volet du triptyque : Résiste / Respire / Révolte

Piece for Fil Instable, visceral music, committed technician, shaken tightrope walker.

A tightrope walker moves on a wire at great height but the wire is unstable.

A musician cannot fall.

Each resists in its own way in an absurd struggle as a cry for freedom.


Collective creation under the artistic direction of Johanne Humblet

Artistic collaboration: Yann Ecauvre, Maxime Bourdon

Musical creation: Deadwood

Tightrope walker creation: Johanne Humblet
Tightrope walker: Johanne Humblet, Sanja Kosonen
Singer: Annelies Jonkers, Fanny Aquaron

Sound management: Mathieu Ryo, Marc-Alexandre Marzio, Duncan Demoulin

Stage management, general management: Flavien Renaudon, Matthieu Duval, Andrea Bozza

Light management: David Baudenon, Clément Bonnin, Louis Sureau

Costumes: Solenne Capmas

Yarn slipper: Maison Clairvoy

Unstable Wire Construction: South Side

Construction: Steve Duprez, Matthieu Audejean

Teaser production: Thomas Bailly

Graphic design, illustration: Virginie Fremaux

Press: Elektronlibre - Olivier Saksik, Cindel Cattin, Sophie Alavi, Mathilde Desrousseaux

Administration: Catherine Njiné Djonkam

Production administration, logistics: Judith Bligny-Truchot

Broadcast: Anthony Simon

Capture d’écran 2020-09-01 à 10.49.21.

The Resist CD is here!!!
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Unstable Wire...

A new structure, a new apparatus, a new toy...

A mobile wire, which can vary in height, tilting, offering a multitude of games, going from a low wire to a high wire, a wire  which becomes... an actor!


Production :  Les filles du renard pâle

Creation help:Ministry of Culture - DGCA / DRAC Grand-Est / Grand-Est Region / Marne Department

Co-productions and hosting in residence: Bonlieu, Annecy National Stage / Furies - PALC, National Center for Circus and Street Arts in Prefiguration / Jules Verne Circus, National Center for Circus and Street Arts in Amiens / CIRCA, Auch National Circus Center / La Verrerie, Occitanie National Circus Center

Co-production and pre-purchases: Street shine(s) - City of Caen / Les Halles de Schaerbeek - Brussels

Support and reception in residence: La Cascade, National Circus Pole Ardèche-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Cirk'éole / Le Boulon, National Center for Street Arts and Public Space / Fratellini Academy / Saint-Quentin Theater -en-Yvelines National Stage

Reception in residence:  National Stage of Aubusson Jean Lurçat Theater

Supports and pre-purchases: Mulhouse street scenes

Special support and sponsorship:Fischer Family Foundation / Crowfunding



Artistic : Johanne Humblet - +33 (0)6 07 32 35 33

          artistique( at)

Technics : Flavien Renaudon - Andrea Bozza

          technique. resist(at)

Diffusion : Anthony Simon  +33 (0)6 07 98 64 75

          diffusion( at)

Production administration, logistics : Judith Bligny-Truchot   +33(0)6 65 37 30 29

          production( at)

Hurry : Elektronlibre - Olivier Saksik

         olivier( at)

Les filles du renard pâle





Address :

Les filles du renard pâle

Chez Catherine Njiné - 101 rue Horace Bertin - 13005 Marseille

The head office :

Chez Le PALC - Furies - 7, rue de la Charrière - 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne

Association law 1901

Siret: 824 136 964 00015

License 20171810

APE code 9001Z


Capture d’écran 2022-05-21 à 11.57.09.png

With the help of the development of the artistic teams of the Grand Est region 22-24
and assistance with DRAC Grand Est 23-24 agreements

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