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Tightrope walker in-situ

“To be in suspense,  is to hold your breath. And look with as much attention as possible, what is simply there, what is offered to you in the presence of things.

The test is in this balance won over the void; at any time it can break. The tightrope walker risks falling, especially when he stops, when he practices standing there, almost without moving. It is his own impetus that he retains and which nevertheless would restore his stability. A tightrope walker, he prefers to attempt this miracle of suspension while leaning on the rope. You could say he's waiting – but that's another thing. The suspension is not a time stopped before something happens, it is the event itself; the entry into this intimate time where in reality the decision has already been made, but no one knows it yet. »


Excerpt from “Praise of risk” Anne Dufourmantelle. 

These are in-situ forms, adapted to the spaces, which are born thanks to meetings, discussions, bets and a common trust between the organizer and us.

Our accomplices are becoming more and more numerous.

Each representation is unique, adapted or created in-situ.


The desire is to bring the wire everywhere, even in incongruous places, and to bring our universe there which mixes tightrope walker performance, musical and absurd.


Les Performances Tightrope walkers in-situ  open the door to shared stories and moments of life that will be unique each time.

Let's create a story together. Let's imagine a space, whatever it is,   crossed by one or more threads...

In-situ Tightrope Performances are, as the name suggests, Performances and not "shows".

Each representation is unique, adapted or created in-situ.

We offer several forms various...

  • Reversed

  • Reflection

  • Chamboultou

  • The Skeleton with the Deadwood Concert

  • Rest !


We achieved unique performances:

  • love on the wire

  • 24 hours on the line


She climbs vertically to be able to evolve, up there, on this horizontal line...

She moves forward, balanced on this wire, but  also finds herself upside down, upside down,...

Always accompanied by her live musicians.

Reverse is an in-situ form created and adapted to each proposed space! A sweet, slightly absurd madness coats the strong visceral music and tightrope walker acrobatics of our artists...

A wire 4.5 meters high


A game on a human scale...

The fall of the tightrope walker, isn't that what everyone expects or apprehends ?

Come, approach...

It may be for today !

A game for young and old, with the family, it's time to reveal yourself, time to destabilize it.

© Virginie Fremaux
© Paul Bourdrel

A musical performance

My desire is to work with live music.


ThePerformances Tightrope walkers are each time a unique event which will be accompanied by a singer, a musician, a live music group.

Rest !is a Performance created and improvised with one or more musicians in the soundscape. They are above all the link with the ground. They are there to support performance in all its forms!

ForReflect, Breathe or othersTightrope walker performances, I work with musicians who are used to accompanying this kind of performance.

The music accompanies each step of the tightrope walker, to advance together on the wire. Each catch-up is carried by the voice, each figure is raised by a note, a musical punctuation.

© Pixarno


Artistic: Johanne Humblet - +33(0)6 07 32 35 33

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          artistique( at)

Production Administration: Catherine Njiné Djonkam

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          administration( at)

Production: Aurora Martinet

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          production( at)

Diffusion : 

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          diffusion( at)

Les filles du renard pâle





Address :

Les filles du renard pâle

Chez Catherine Njiné - 101 rue Horace Bertin - 13005 Marseille

The head office :

Chez Le PALC - Furies - 7, rue de la Charrière - 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne

Association law 1901

Siret: 824 136 964 00015

License 20171810

APE code 9001Z


Capture d’écran 2022-05-21 à 11.57.09.png

With the help of the development of the artistic teams of the Grand Est region 22-24
and assistance with DRAC Grand Est 23-24 agreements

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