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24 hours on the wire
Unique performance created for Chalon in the street IN 2018.
A day.
Two clock towers.
She, on her wire.
Makes him the link with the ground, in music.
Time passes, the public comes and goes, but they stay there!
Meals, meetings, games, waits, naps, discussions,...
With Johanne Humblet on the wire and Johann Candoré au sol in music.
Musicians with Johann on the 3 musical highlights: Kévin Laval and Fanny Aquawon.
Technical team: Pascualito Voinet, Béatrice Contreras, Steve Duprez
Adm, prod and diff team: Bérénice Riollet and Amélie Payre
With the whole GRANDE chalon festival team in the street,
the St. Lawrence Island Committee, thethe Chalonnais inhabitants, the public,....

4 moments seen by Michel Wiart (before - beginning - middle - after):

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